Informações sobre o CrossFit Lezíria

Azinhaga do Contador nº45
2130-017, Benavente
+351 913 574 344

Horário de funcionamento

  • segunda-feira: 07:00 – 14:00, 16:00 – 21:15
  • terça-feira: 07:00 – 14:00, 16:00 – 21:15
  • quarta-feira: 07:00 – 14:00, 16:00 – 21:15
  • quinta-feira: 07:00 – 14:00, 16:00 – 21:15
  • sexta-feira: 07:00 – 14:00, 16:00 – 21:15
  • sábado: 10:00 – 12:30
  • domingo: Fechado


CrossFit Lezíria ainda não preencheu a sua descrição.

Serviços, Máquinas e Aulas Dirigidas


CrossFit Lezíria: Opiniões

4.5/5 (10 Opiniões)
Luís Filipe P. Seabra M. Martins 1 year ago

Experiência positiva: To enter this space is to leave the day-to-day, personal problems out, and attack the wods that are given to us with tooth and nail... The suffering is so much that there is no time for regrets... Only victories... Personal ... In pairs... In groups... Needs some adjustments in terms of lighter loads... But overall it's good to have on the agenda daily.

Paulo Alexandre Mendes 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica:

Luis Filipe Martins 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Training adapted to each case, not repetitive as in the normal gym. PT's 5 stars. Excellent and respectful environment. I think he will stay for a long time as a regular customer.

Carlos Galamba 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: I can't do without my training anymore. I like the facilities, the environment and Coch Francisco. Everything impeccable.

Yola Marujo 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: One of the chosen paths

Paulo Santos 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Excellent ️‍♂️

Danniell 29 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Great space. Instructors, TOP.

Adérito José 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Excellent workout space ... Follow up 5hamento

RafaelBranco5 4 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Awesome place with amazing people! Every session is different and always challenging.

Deixe a sua opinião sobre o CrossFit Lezíria:

1 = Pobre 5 = Excelente

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