Informações sobre o Castelo Box

Av. Vasco da Gama 774
4430-247, Vila Nova de Gaia
+351 912 956 232

Horário de funcionamento

  • segunda-feira: 07:00 – 21:00
  • terça-feira: 07:00 – 21:00
  • quarta-feira: 07:00 – 21:00
  • quinta-feira: 07:00 – 21:00
  • sexta-feira: 07:00 – 21:00
  • sábado: 10:00 – 13:00
  • domingo: Fechado

Bravo é aquele manifesta bravura; corajoso; valente; intrépido; destemido ❤???? Do latim barbăru-, «bárbaro; feroz; selvagem; valente» ???? ???? #SomosBravos

No Castelo desenvolvemos um planeamento de treino de modo a que que cada um dos nossos atletas possa quebrar barreiras, romper tabus, evoluir todos os dias.Marca já a tua aula experimental ???? Tlm: 912 956 ???? #maisdoqueumabox #crossfit#castelobox #bemadbox

A limpeza e a desinfeção de superfícies é uma das medidas mais importantes no combate à propagação do vírus. ⛔️????Aqui somos todos Bravos ???? Estamos Juntos #castelobox #EstamosOn #maisdoqueumabox #cleanandsafe

“O sucesso não é a chave para a felicidade. A felicidade é a chave para o sucesso. Se amas o que fazes, serás bem sucedido.” (A. Schweitzer) ???? EstamosOn

???? Aqui vamos ensiná-los a caminhar, e não carrega-los ao colo o resto da vida. ???? @ ArtSuave Jiu-Jitsu - Kids#castelobox #artsuave #maisdoqueumabox#jiujitsukids #jiujitsu

O Castelo está de portas abertas para te receber ???? Estamos ONMarca a tua aula experimental e junta-te aos nossos Bravos [email protected] ???? Tlm. +351 #castelobox02 #crossfit #crossfitworld #jiujitsu #jiujitsukids #boxe #maisdoqueumabox #EstamosOn


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Castelo Box: Opiniões

5/5 (29 Opiniões)
Daniel Duarte 1 year ago

Experiência fantástica: Good coaches. Motivating sport. Sociable staff.

Manuel garcia pazos 1 year ago

Experiência fantástica: Great CrossFit box

Alfredo Ramalho 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Without any CrossFit experience, I found committed professionals, always ready to teach and correct in a positive and motivating way. We were very happy with Ricardo (the person in charge of the space), Diana and Iva. In addition, a fantastic environment, with a lot of companionship and help among all.

Adriana Teixeira 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: At Castelo we are a true family. Ricardo is an excellent professional, human and always concerned about his students.

Ana Sousa 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Best box in the world spectacular environment, with very competent teachers always ready to help!

Rita Martins 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Amazing!!! Amazing people who know how to welcome!!


Experiência fantástica: A sense of belonging and family atmosphere with all the rigor and professionalism of Coaches. I strongly recommend. It is clear; beautiful facilities

Bruno Coelho 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: So that there is no doubt, the CASTLE is a FAMILY. From the youngest student to the oldest student ;))) We train together, we laugh together... we play together. We are Brave # We are ALL CASTLE

Nicole Oliveira 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: A big family! We suffer together and we grow together!!

Inês Mercé 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: A fantastic house to train! I was very well received from the 1st minute. Come train and be happy ❤️

Tiago Moreira 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Excellent environment, and teachers always available to help!

Cristina Hernandez 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Box top with fantastic atmosphere! Much more than a box!❤️

João Manso 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Fabulous house and fabulous team. The care for the students and the well-being and conditions of the space are admirable. All 10 stars! And above all, the most impressive thing is the atmosphere of friendship and cooperation that exists in this place. It's much more than a box, it's a family. Keep going Castle!

ZE MARTINEZ 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: best place in town More than a box... it is indeed a big family. Here you will find great people and excellent professionals. TOP environment. LIFECHANGER for many.... a 2nd home for sure!! Visit and you won't regret it

Hingrid Alves 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: My first experience with Crossfit, I'm a newbie and I have nothing but praise for it. The coaches are the best and the service is top notch. Thank you everyone!

Lílyan Menezes 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Wide environment, super well equipped, great training, fair price and excellent professionals. In addition to a 100% vibe! Only the brave!

Pedro Brito 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Good CrossFit box, with excellent professionals, ample space and good training material. I recommend.

João Dinis 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Best box in Porto

Tarcísio Gomes 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Great atmosphere, and quality of professionals.

Tici Oliveira 2 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Very good ... ample space and excellent professionals

Joana Costa 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Fantastic environment... toppp classes... #maisqueumabox

Priscilla Almeida 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: My second home! I love being there! I have always been very well received from day one. Owner and coaches extremely attentive and professional. Here you really learn! Thank you for maintaining this pleasant and healthy environment for all of us, Ricardo!

João Almeida 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: TOP facilities, TOP team, TOP Environment! 10 stars

Diogo Barbosa 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Well organized space.

Leandro costa 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Best box in Gaia, with excellent conditions for the practice of Crossfit, with excellent atmosphere and quality professionals. I recommend

Jose Oliva 3 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Great place, topppp environment, great professionals

kanuh01 4 years ago

Experiência fantástica: A great space, super spacious, and very well equipped. Qualified coaches and committed to growing our potential. About 2 km from El corte ingles, in Vila Nova de Gaia.

sara costa 4 years ago

Experiência fantástica: Excellent box, professional to match! I recommend

Samuel Reis 5 years ago

Experiência fantástica: My crossfit home!

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